Object creation (parent,child ,types)

Object creation (parent,child ,types)


Click on “Object Browser” and navigate into corresponding area where we need to create new object.




Each object has a module; to create a new object, go to the module, select it and create a new object.





How to complete the fields:

  • 4, 5 -  fill the second field with the name of the table you need to map. The first field will be completed only if your object has a view (you will be told if you have to map a view); if this is the case, the field will be completed with the word “Fluentis”; and the table name will be changed with the name of the view, which is usually FS_ObjectName.
  • 1 - After completing the table name, you need to write the name of the object. The name will be written in the Code/Template row, in the first field. The name of the object would be FSObjectName (ex: FSArmObject).
  • 14 - The next step would be to choose a fit template for your object. There are some possibilities here; your object could be a collection; in this case the fit template would be Child Object; if your object is a business/base object, you have to choose the appropriate template for that object, usually this is mentioned by the analyst; in the other cases, you will choose the template according to what properties the object has. (ex: the object has properties for Company, Code, Description, and some other properties; the fit template would be Object(Company, Code, Description) – it is very important for the template to contain as many properties as possible that the object has)
  • 1, 2, 3 -  The Code and Description rows should be completed as well. The values of these rows come from the Dictionary; if the values don’t exist yet, you’ll need to define them by creating a new entry in the dictionary or by simply completing the fields with “To be defined” (this is applicable only if you use ARM in English, in Italian for example it will be “Da definire”, for any other language that ARM covers, it will be the translation)
  • 6, 7, 8, 9 -  The Read-only Module and Read-write Module rows have to be completed, in the first field, with the module of the object. This module is represented by the area and group where the object is created. All the objects have a readonly path, but not all of them have a readwrite path; the ones that don’t have a readwrite path are seen as exceptions and this will be mentioned by the analyst.
  • 10 - The Shared Interface Module row will be completed usually if your object needs to be accessible from other modules. This will be usually completed with “Fluentis.FluentisErp.Core”.
  • 16 - In case you have an algorithm class created, with a NewObjectProposal or/and PostInsert/PostUpdate/PostDelete, you can add the methods in the last fields by choosing them from the algorithm class.

After completing all the needed information, save the object.

After the successful saving, click on the “Database Compare” button, and check from the list all needed properties.



  • 11  - After  this operation, you can see the properties at the bottom, in the properties tab; some properties may have other names or types; this needs to be corrected. Select the property and click the “Edit” button from the “Properties” group.
  • 12 - Every  time you create a new object, you must make sure that all the parameters of the template are mentioned in the “Parameters” tab. Otherwise, nobody will be able to generate their objects classes.
  • 13 - There is also the “Validation Rules” tab, which appears on the object and on the properties.

> Object properties (detailed)

BuildDate : 23 marzo 2021

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